
2月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

Lunch is more stamina-oriented than health thinking! !! Go to Sal Bacon again

  Good morning Today I would like to introduce you to Tonteki Lunch! !! Store name: SARU BACON Location: 1-18-18 Esaka-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka Esaka Park Building 1F There is a shop a little away from the station, but as you can see, there are lines during lunch time on weekdays. The shop has also been refurbished so that it can be taken out with corona support. The logo of the shop The monkey seems to be in a good mood with beer and meat There are four lunch menus! !! Naporitan and Hamba with thinly sliced pork gab gab, tonteki, and thick homemade sausage. However, for some reason, when I look around, about 80% of the customers are Tonteki lunch customers. And me too ... Product name: Thick sliced pork tonteki lunch Price: 890 yen Half of the cut is made in thick pork and it is baked like a baseball glove. A heap of cabbage with mayonnaise is soaked with Worcestershire sauce with plenty of tonteki, so you can eat many times more rice! !! The fluffy but rolled omelet


おはようございます 本日ご紹介いたしますのはトンテキランチです!! 店名: SARU BACON (サル・ベーコン) 場所: 大阪府吹田市江坂町1-18-18 えさかパークビルディング 1F 駅から若干離れた場所にお店があるのですが平日のランチ時間はご覧のとおり行列ができております。 コロナ対応でテイクアウトもできるようお店も改装されました。 お店のロゴお猿さんもビールとお肉で上機嫌みたい ランチメニューは、4つ!! 薄切り豚肉のガブガブ 、 トンテキ 、 太い自家製ソーセージ付きのナポリタン と ハンバ~~~グ ランチです。 しかし何故か周りを見渡すと約8割くらいがトンテキランチの客。 そして私も・・・・・・。 品名: 厚切り豚肉のトンテキランチ 価格: 890円 厚い豚肉に切れ目を半分入れて、野球のグローブのようにして焼いてあります。 マヨネーズのかかった山盛りのキャベツにトンテキのたっぷりのウスターソースが染みわたっていてこれでご飯が何倍でも食べられます!! 付け合わせとしての ふんわりとしただし巻きオムレツ は、プレーンですが、何故か落ち着きます。 おひつに入ったご飯は食べ放題ですが、これを完食する事は、お笑い芸人の渡部が明日からワイドショーのコメンテーターとして復帰するぐらい不可能な事でしょう。 厨房にそっと置かれていた謎の物体!! 恐らく染みわたったトンテキと思われます。 トンテキは恐らく300g近いんではなかろうかという豚肉ににんにく 、ウスターソース、醤油などを合わせた甘辛いタレがよく絡んでいました。 是非ご賞味を!! ご興味のある方はサイトのフォローや下記動画の登録よろしくお願いいたします。(右上↑) Press the site's follow button (top right ↑)  

Will it be reborn? The last male figure! !! Nara prison

  Hello Today is the former Nara juvenile prison (Updated on December 15, 2018) Location: 18 Hannyaji-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture I have been in Nara Prison! !! (joke) This facility is not currently in use and will be renewed to a hotel (prison style) in the future! !! Most of the facilities had a single cell, and each had a toilet. Also, there was a private bath in the basement, but ... creepy ... The facility was an environment where each building was set up on radiation, and at first glance it was possible to see the changes in each building from the center. Press the site's follow button (top right ↑)

A monja shop that is still working hard in Kansai! !! sunflower

Good morning Today is monja Store name: Sunflower Location: 9-15 3F, Toyotsu-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka Product name: Monja A set (Salad, skewers, doteyaki, monja (menta, baby star, rice cake, cheese), yakisoba) Price: 3,500 yen (for 2-3 people) Doteyaki As you can see from the image, it ’s a mess. Kushiyaki A secret sauce that is prohibited from being doubled! Inevitably there will be a dispute with your partner about which one to eat Yakisoba It is a closing dish Monja As you can see in the image, there are many types of monge, but choose the one that is sure! !! The image shows the skill of baking "Monja" tens of thousands of times in Osaka. Vividness that an amateur cannot do! !! Press the site's follow button (top right ↑)