The new menu is amazing! ! "Kurobei"

good morning  

Today I would like to introduce you to ramen.


Store name: Kurobei

Address: 14-31 Toyotsucho, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture

Opening hours: 11:30 - 15:00

      17:00 - 23:00       Closed on Mondays

It's a spacious restaurant with tables and counters.
Product name: Goku Onimori Charshu Price: 1,850 yen
This ramen looks like a cloudy soup with plenty of bean sprouts and green onions, topped with chashu pork. The soup is based on well-cooked pork bones and contains plenty of vegetables, and although it is made from pork bones, it has a round, mellow, and sweet pork bone soup flavor. Although it has a slightly different impression from the Hakata type, this soup was quite delicious and had just the right amount of salt and plum, making it an easy-to-drink soup. Also, this new menu seems to be aimed at the Jiro style, as the portions are moderately large, and those who want a little more char siu would be fine with regular char siu noodles.

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